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  Seaweek 2006: Footprints for our Future    
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Activity 1: Released fish survival

If you like to go fishing with your family and friends, use the website to learn how to release fish safely, so that they have the best chance of survival. Many people like to catch fish to eat them, which is fine – but you should know your state/territory size, bag and boat limits. If you catch more fish than you can eat, or catch fish that are not edible, then you should definitely know how to release a fish so it has the highest chance for survival.

This website even contains individual fact sheets that you can download and print, about commonly caught fish species with information especially about that species and how best to maximize it’s chances of survival.

Image copyright Infofish Services
A knotless fishing net
Activity 2: Your school canteen

Undertake a class project to find out about what kind of fish your school canteen is using. Ask about where it comes from, is it a sustainable species, is it fished in Australia or overseas, are there better choices the school canteen could be making? Get your class to analyse the choices and make recommendations to the canteen based on their findings.

Activity 3: Student choices

As with Activity 2, except this time, get students to look at what kind of seafood they eat at home. What do they buy when they get fish and chips? Do they even know which species of fish they are buying, given all the different names under which fish are sold? Could they make more sustainable choices? See if they can get their parents to make more sustainable choices when at the supermarket, market or at the fish and chip shop.

Activity 4: Commercial fishing equipment

Get your class to learn about commercial fishing equipment. Use this up to date website to look at all the different kinds of fishing equipment used and look at their impact ratings. According to this criteria of fishing gear, ask your class to assess which species are the most sustainable?

Note: The worst impact of recreational fishing is the fishing line that is left behind. To look at the impacts of this, go to ‘Sustainable Biodiversity’ to examine the effects of plastics in the marine environment.

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