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  Seaweek 2006: Footprints for our Future    
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Monday: Sustainable Biodiversity

Marine debris, often called litter, has become a problem along shorelines, coastal waters, estuaries, and oceans throughout the world. It is defined as any man-made, solid material that enters our waterways directly (e.g., by dumping) or indirectly (e.g., washed out to sea via rivers, streams, storm drains, etc.).

Objects ranging from detergent bottles, hazardous medical wastes, and discarded fishing line all qualify as marine debris. In addition to being unsightly, it poses a serious threat to everything with which it comes into contact. Marine debris can be life-threatening to marine organisms and humans and can wreak havoc on coastal communities and the fishing industry.

Major Sponsor
Our Principal Naming Rights Sponsor for Seaweek 06 is BAG SMART. Bag Smart is a social marketing campaign to reduce plastic shopping bags in the community. Bag Smart connects people to the issue of plastic bags, demonstrates that there are alternatives, and supports the take up of sustainable social change. More about BAG SMART

20 ways to reduce waste and recycle

1. Conduct a rubbish audit of the school. Activity:

2. Conduct a rubbish audit of a local area and send the results to your local council and the media.

Activity: Identifying types of Marine Debris
Activity: Marine Debris Survey

3. Participate in an ongoing monitoring program in your school or in a local area that is of particular concern.

Activity: Futures Wheel

4. Say NO to plastic bags when you go shopping.

5. After you unpack your groceries at home, make sure you put your reusable bags straight back on the front seat of your car or at your front door. That way, you won’t forget them the next time you shop!

Take reusable bags and use them at every shop, not just at the supermarket.

Activity: Understanding plastic

Activity: Alternatives to plastic

6. Identify and support businesses that use recycled bags and plastic bag alternatives and encourage “Bagsmart” behaviour. Activity: Local business audit
7. Take a rubbish free (plastic wrap) lunch to school. Activity: Don't Mess The Sea (primary school age group)
8. Consider the packaging of products purchased and look at valid alternatives. Activity: Identifying Packaging
9. Grow some of your own food therefore saving fuel and reducing packaging. Activity: Poetry
Activity: Six Hat Thinking
10. Be responsible for your own waste. Remember, plastic dumped on land can be blown long distances or carried along waterways where it eventually ends up in the ocean. Activity: Even remote islands are rubbish dumps
11. Find out how and where you can recycle your plastic bags. Activity: Who’s recycling?
Activity: Poster Ideas

12. Become an entirely plastic bag free school. Seek alternatives to the products your school buys and uses everyday.

13. Avoid taking disposable items with you on picnics, etc Remove all plastic packaging and wrapping and dispose of it before you set off.

14. Stow it don’t throw it on boating trips, camping trips, bushwalks etc and ensure rubbish bins have lids and are emptied when you return home.

The only "wastes" here can be composted!

Activity: Marine Debris: Clean it up!
15. Use reusable containers not plastic bags.
A Green bag - one of the "environmentally friendly" alternatives to plastic bags
16. Resist the use of plastic straws when ever possible.
17. Encourage your community to switch to an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bags. Do a presentation for your local community or the chamber of Commerce.
18. Think before you buy…Become an empowered shopper and talk with your feet. Activity: Precycling …… The great debate
19. E-commerce is the wave of the future. But remember, e-commerce is not necessarily waste-free. Choose items that won’t be excessively packed for shipping.  
20. Your aim is to build on this list of ways we can make a difference. Can you make it 40 ways to reduce our use of plastic and packaging so less and less ends up in the marine environment.  
Seaweek Sponsors
More information on the sponsors
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