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  Seaweek 2000    

Western Australia

Cocos Island D.H.S Home Island Campus
E-mail: raypascoe@hotmail.com

Class excursion to our beautiful beaches. Taking photos of Marine Creatures and flotsam. Use photos to write picture books in the Cocos-Malay Language and in English.

Exmouth District High School, Exmouth
E-mail: edhsl@nwc.net.au

Focus on beach/marina litter. Collect litter from local marina and split into plastics, cans etc. Students try to identify sectors of community responsible for the litter. Excursions to Ningaloo Reef to look at Biodiversity of the reef Coral education re anchor damage and not touching coral when snorkeling and fishing. Primary classes may do reef walks.

Newton Moore SHS, Bunbury
E-mail: dasta9@hotmail.com.au

A display that illustrates the change over time of our local backbeach area. Display features maps, photos etc. The display is very relevant at this stage because the area is scheduled for redevelopment this year.

Rostrata Primary School, Perth

  1. To start breeding Brine Shrimp as a food source for the school's Marine Aquarium.
  2. Aquarium photographic competition (using digital cameras-we have 5) children will submit the best photo they take of animals in the aquarium for a prize.
  3. Introduce an angel fish.

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