The 2014 Sea Week theme is “Sustainable Seas”
Why not collect litter or do a litter survey of your foreshore/beach/park to mark this special
day and make sure your litter never becomes Marine Debris?
By implementing ‘low waste’ or ‘binless lunches’ we (educators) can create a chain of awareness about the
harmful impacts packaging and waste have on our marine systems.
Litter that starts its journey in the playground will travel to local creeks, then to major rivers/lakes and will
eventually make it to the oceans and become Marine Debris.
Estimates suggest over a million seabirds may die each year and up to 100, 000 marine
mammals and turtles as a direct result of Marine Debris.
The Pacific Garbage Patch is one of many garbage patches in the oceans of the world. It is the largest and
has an area twice the size of France. |