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  Saltmarsh in Australia    

Saltmarsh in Australia


Bakker et al. (1997) suggests two options available for restoring salt marshes. The first is to abandon all human interference and leave the salt marsh to complete its natural development. These types of restoration projects are often unsuccessful as vegetation tends to struggle to revert back to its original structure and the natural tidal cycles are shifted due to land changes.

The second option suggested by Bakker et al. (1997) is to restore the destroyed habitat into its natural state either at the original site or as a replacement at a different site. Under natural conditions, recovery can take 2–10 years or even longer depending on the nature and degree of the disturbance and the relative maturity of the marsh involved. Marshes in their pioneer stages of development will recover more rapidly than mature marshes as they are often first to colonize the land. It is important to note, that restoration can often be sped up through the replanting of native vegetation.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_marsh



Saltmarsh recovered strongly once cattle were kept out by fencing. 
Images from Kooragang Wetlands Rehabilitation Project, NSW





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