In addition Parks Victoria works with a range of partner organisations that deliver Education and Interpretation programs and is working to strengthen these realtionships. These include the Marine Discovery Centre Queenscliff, Coast Action / Coastcare, the Gould League, Phillip Island Nature Park, Ecologic, and a range of independent providers that deliver programs within Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries.
Parks Victoria also recognises and values the important role that schools play in developing attitudes of respect for the sea and are in the process of developing a comprehensive Schools Education strategy and a Resources Kit for Schools to assist teachers. These will not only provide opportunities to learn not only about Victoria's rich and diverse marine environments, but also to promote the important role that we all have in caring for these areas and valuing them as much as we do our land based National Parks.
Resources to be put in the kits include Video footage of Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries, curriculum links and lesson plans, speakers kits, images, and a range of other materials. As these resources are developed they also will be put online and be accessible to all schools. |

Education is central to acquiring knowledge and understanding of the marine environment.
Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine
Sanctuaries protect our underwater kingdom in the
same way as National Parks on land.
(Photo: Mary Malloy; Coutesy: Parks Victoria) |