California Dreaming
Australian Marine Educators Tour
July 2000 |

Jane |
Having visited museums and aquariums on the west coast of the USA (in 1990 and 1994), Jane and I are keen to return to California in July 2000 to take part in the National Marine Education Association (NMEA) conference to be held in Long Beach, July 16 to 21, 2000. For details of the
conference and call for papers visit www.aquariumofpacific.org/
swmea/nm_main2.asp |
As it seemed to be such a waste to spend around $2,000 each to fly to the USA, just for a conference, we decided to spend Jane's school holidays visiting some of our favourite places in California on a 15 day 'whirlwind' pre-conference tour - from San Diego in the south to the San Francisco in the north (see draft itinerary).
We are happy for up to 10 other Australian marine educators to join us on this 'California Dreaming Tour'. |

Sunset at Monterey |
The key to all of this is the 15 day pre-conference tour that we have put together. When you read through the itinerary you will no doubt see that it's full-on, so if you aren't into wall to wall aquariums, marine centres and spectacular seashores - don't bother.
Yes there'll be a few chances to shop and sample the night life but we are primarily there to do marine things. |
The total pre-conference tour, including airfares, 15 days shared accommodation and share of car hire should be around $3,000 to $3,500 in Australian $ (based on A0.65$ per US$). Not to bad seeing as we will be travelling in peak US summer season!
The NAME conference will cost between $700 and $750 all-up (conference and dorm accommodation). |

Stephen Birch Aquarium |
- If you are interested and think the prices quoted above are within your reach - email Harry Breidahl at deepsea@alphalink.com.au - please do so ASAP. Having an idea of the number of potential takers is critical to planning and costing (we'll need to book in February 2000).
- Once you register I will respond with more detailed costs, itinerary up-dates, a reading list and a listing of related web sites - believe me there's hours of surfing.
- Please think about presenting a paper at the NMEA conference. The organisers are keen to receive strong input from us and although the program looks very 'schoolie' I have been assured that there will be a strong component of US marine educators from other fields. If you do decide to present, you will need to send the organizers details by February 1, 2000.
- The travel agent will call for 10% deposits for airfares and pre-conference costs in early March 2000.