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  Living safely with Crocodiles    

Kit coverAn Education Kit for Grades 5 - 7

Activity c - Textures

croc farming


What you do

  • Students can make their own croc skin textures. Provide students with a cardboard template of a crocodile scale. Ask students to make repeated connected outlines of the scale template using oil-based crayon. Outlines should be in thick dark colours. Make sure students cover the page with scales and cover with a wash of vegetable or food dye.
  • When papers are dry, students can make their own croc skin products such as a head band, wallet, boots, waistcoat or belt. Ask them to cut out a cardboard template for their product and to glue their 'croc skin' onto the template. Have a croc skin fashion show.


  • List and investigate other animal skin products. Ask students to find out which products they use in the home are animal skin products. Investigate Australian laws covering import and export of animal skin products.
  • Ask the students to design their own croc farms using appropriate labels to explain the functions of each feature. Ask students to present their farms to the rest of the class.
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