About Coast Action/Coastcare
Coast Action/Coastcare is a community engagement program that provides support to community groups working to enhance and protect the State’s coastal and marine environments. |

Coast Action was established in 1994 in Victoria and now is a joint State and Australian Government funded program that works with local groups and individuals for active coastal and marine conservation, to tackle the problems of coast degradation and assists communities to become actively involved in marine and coastal management.
Coast Action works with over 20,000 coastal volunteers and more than 300 community groups to help protect the coast. Increasingly schools are also becoming involved in their local communities and there are many opportunities for them to make a difference for the future of our coasts and seas.
The Program’s Strategic Plan 2004 to 2010 commits Coast Action/Coastcare to:
- Providing input into strategic planning for coastal, marine and estuarine areas and facilitating opportunities for the community to provide input;
- Promoting continuous improvement of coastal and marine biodiversity and the protection of natural values;
- Protecting coastal cultural heritage by encouraging respect and awareness of cultural values;
- Building awareness and appreciation of Victoria's coastal and marine environments and improving the capacity of communities to protect natural and cultural values; and
- Promoting and supporting opportunities for partnerships between the community, govenrment agencies and industry to protect and enhance the coast.
The program provides assistance to community groups and individuals. Working side by side with land managers in the decision making and on-ground works necessary for coastal management, groups and individual will ensure that the coast and marine natural values are restored and protected for future generations.
To protect the biological diversity of our coastal and marine environment requires joint efforts by individuals, community groups, organisations and governments. Only co-operative action will ensure the future of our coastal and marine environment.
To find out more about Coast Action/Coastcare or to become involved in coastal and marine activities in Victoria visit www.dse.vic.gov.au/coasts. |