Online and Available
Those of you with access to the world wide web have access to a wonderful resource for exploring biodiversity. Those URL's listed below are a few key web sites.
Life on Earth
A brilliant site about classification, well worth exploring. Simple but comprehensive and lots of further links |
Tree of life
A complex and technical site (for teachers or senior students), nevertheless well worth exploring. If you visit only once at least look at the outrageous octopuses at http://tolweb/tree/
Other Marine Life Sites
Environment Australia is the major sponsor of Seaweek '99. There is an enormous amount of resource material on marine and general biodiversity available on line through their huge web site. The search engine is excellent for locating documents. The State of the Marine Environment Report, biodiversity publications, and many other government reports and publications can all be found at
Community Biodiversity Network
As a partner in Seaweek'99 CBN produces a number of resources available online and free through the Environment Australia on Australia's biodiversity and how we can assist in conserving it for the future. Have a look at the CBN website at
ABC Online
Check out the Jewels of the Sea web pages on ABC online and the exciting Montage project tracking whales in the oceans
Marine & Coastal Community Network
The MCCN has also joined MESA in supporting teachers developing programs about marine biodiversity. Teachers can contact the network for information and contacts in their local area that can assist in identifying local marine and coastal biodiversity
Oceans Australia
Information on each State's oceans, teacher resource cards and multimedia games.
Reef Education Network
On-line encyclopedia of all marine phyla, "Who's Who" section, plus other reef (temperate & coral) issues.
Ocean Planet
The Marine Education Society of Aotearoa ( MESA New Zealand) also runs a Seaweek program. Details can be found at
References and Reading
Books provide one source of information for both teachers and students but may often be hard to find in a school library. Many Environment Australia publications are available free from the Community Information Unit, freecall 1800 803 772
- Beattie A. 1995 Australia's Biodiversity, Living Wealth. Reed Books & Macquarie University.
- Biodiversity Unit, Environment Australia 196. A Guide to Biodiversity; Biodiversity Series Paper No. 1 & 2; Our Sea, Our Future and State of the Environment Australia.
- Breidahl H. J. 1994, A Guide to Life on Earth. Macmillan Education Australia.
- Breidahl H.J. 1997, Australia's Southern Shores. Lothian Books.
- Burnie D. 1994, Collins Eyewitness Science Life. Harper Collins.
- Edgar G. J. 1997, Australian Marine Life. Reed.
- Fien, J. and Ferreira, J. (eds.) Coastal and Marine Studies in Australia: A workshop manual for teachers, Griffith University, Brisbane. 1997.
- Lipson R, 1998 The Living Ocean. Australia Post Philatelic Group.
- Margulis L. & Schwartz K. V. 1988, Five Kingdoms. W. H. Freeman and Company.
- Mummery J. Hardy N. et al 1994. Australia's Biodiversity: an overview of selected significant components.
- Slater P. 1997 Amazing Facts about Australian Marine Life, Steve Parish Publishing.
Who to Contact
The Marine & Coastal Community Network has joined MESA in supporting teachers developing programs about marine biodiversity (they don't have the resources to handle student requests).
For information about significant local coastal and marine species, clarification of concepts associated with the term biodiversity, information about local issues, such as marine national parks and recommendations about appropriate local action, call your nearest MCCN state representative:
Qld - Kirsti Sampson (07) 4771 6636
NSW - Craig Bohm (02) 9247 4120
Vic - Tim Allen (03) 9650 4846
Tas - Christian Bell (03) 6234 3665
SA - Tony Flaherty (08) 8302 6568
WA - Edwina Davies Ward (08) 9220 0662
NT - Patrick O'Leary (08) 8981 5433
MESA also has a representative in each Australian state or territory.
Arts Project
Teachers who wish to obtain more information about the Seaweek'99 marine biodiversity arts project should write to Andrea Hicks, PO Box 381, Ferny Hills Delivery Centre 4055.
Marine Biodiversity Pack
To order a free set of posters, brochures and other items relating to the theme of marine biodiversity, call Environment Australia's Community Information Unit on (freecall) 1800 803 772.