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Sample Unit Sequence and Activity Ideas


TUNING IN: Sample activities


Class Discussion

Ask students what they know about climate change, climate, weather and atmosphere.

Ask students about some of the causes, effects and consequences of climate change.

List all ideas on a chart or whiteboard. Invite students to talk about an recollections of changes in weather patters or climatic conditions. Ask students how they feel about these. Encourage students to think, reflect and share ideas with others.


Ask students to respond to What if statements. e.g. What if...

• we chopped down all the trees in Australia ?
• everyone drove their cars to school and work?
• everybody left the lights on in their houses all the time?
• everyone left the taps running while they were cleaning their teeth?
• everyone sent all their waste to the dump?

Using the arts and literacy

View YouTube multimedia presentation about climate change to tune students in, e.g.

Search Global Warming videos from the YouTube website

Students are to write down keywords, thoughts or feelings about the pictures that have been screened. Following the viewing, promote discussion about the various causes and effects of climate change.

Mind Map

Ask the students to suggest definitions, write a sentence, list words or draw pictures that come to mind when they hear or see the following words or pictures.

Atmosphere   climate   weather   greenhouse effect   greenhouse gases   climate change

A - Z

Ask the students to suggest definitions, write a sentence, list words or draw pictures that come to mind when they hear or see these words. Use these topics as a basis to begin a class glossary.

Create a KWFL chart based on climate change. Use student's ideas to inform class questions, ideas, statements and ways to find out chart.

Learning Log

Students begin a learning log by writing down questions and reflections about what they already know, what they would like to know and interesting facts or information.

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