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Exploring Preferred Futures for Marine and Coastal Environments

Sample Unit Sequence and Activity Ideas: Inquiry Learning


SORTING OUT: Sample Activities



Processing the data
Ask students to sort out and represent the data collected from the websites (reports, fact sheets and maps) about emissions that are of a concern to them. Ask students to decide on the best way to represent the results to the class. For example a brochure, information report, flow chart, or fact sheet.

Using the “futures issue’ from the earlier activity (See ‘Preparing to Find Out – Futures Wheels’), students sort information gathered and record their “futures” issue from the perspective of the past, the present and the future, discussing how emissions currently are and are likely to change marine and coastal environments.

Using De Bono’s Thinking Hats
Students explore issues raised using De Bono’s “Six Thinking Hat” technique to explore the issues in more depth. Students, in five groups, each with a different hat, discuss and document the issues according to their given perspectives and come together at the end to share their ideas.

White Hat: List the facts that you know about carbon pollution and greenhouse gases that are emitted and can affect marine and coastal environments.
Red Hat: What are the emotions and feelings associated with the issues? How do you feel? How do you think animals and plants living in areas that are experiencing health and environmental effects feel?
Black Hat: What are some of the negative aspects and outcomes of carbon pollution and greenhouse gases being emitted?
Yellow Hat: What are some of the positive aspects and outcomes of carbon pollution and greenhouse gases being emitted?
Green Hat: How could the problems related to carbon pollution and greenhouse gases being emitted be solved? What can be done?

Creative thinking
Use a “PMI” technique of identifying Plus, Minus and Interesting aspects of statements developed from the research findings.

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