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Explore the Impact of Climate Change on Australia’s Marine and Coastal Environment


GOING FURTHER: Sample Activities


Sharing Circle

Sitting in a circle, ask students to imagine they have become a part of the marine or coastal environment that sometimes gets greenhouse gas emissions affecting it. They should think about why they are an important part of the ecosystem and what makes them special.

Ask someone to speak for that part of the ecosystem as it cannot speak for itself, and to sit inside the middle of the circle, e.g. ‘I speak for the Marine Environment'. The other students represent humankind.

Students on the outer circle ask questions of the air, e.g. ‘Tell us about yourself Marine Environment'. Why are you special?' The student in the middle talks about the environmental element it represents.

Ask additional questions, e.g. ‘What troubles you Marine Environment'?' The ‘Marine Environment' tells the humans of its plight and may ask questions. The humans listen and respond if they wish.

Another student then enters the circle to speak on behalf of either an animal or plant species found in a marine or coastal environment and the process continues.

Afterwards, debrief by talking about the way the students felt as an element of the ecosystem affected by greenhouse gas emissions that can be emitted that affect it and as the humans.

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