- You want to stop on an island in the Great Barrier Reef for a picnic. A family is just leaving a beautiful spot and leaves the area littered with rubbish. What might you do?
- You want to use a barbecue on an island during the Christmas holidays, however fires are not permitted from November 1 until April 30. What might you do?
- You notice people cutting down and damaging trees and plants on an island. It is an offence to cut down or damage any standing trees or plants. What might you do?
- Reef walking is allowed on the Great Barrier Reef but it is expected that reef walkers do not damage or remove coral. You come across someone stepping on coral and living matter and picking up species that are attached to the reef flat. What might you do?
- You see someone throwing out his or her bait bag whilst fishing on the Reef. This is against the Fishing Code. What might you do?

Litter on the Great Barrier Reef

Reef walking