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  Seaweek 2005 - Save Our Sharks    

What shark is that?

A Shark Classification Key Activity
Courtesy of Wet Paper Publications


1. a.
Sharks with anal fin ....................................................................
Sharks with no anal fin ......................................................

go to 4
go to 2
2. a.
Sharks with flattened raylike body and mouth at end of head ..........
Sharks with body not raylike and mouth on bottom side of head .....
  Squatiniformes (Angel Shark)
go to 3
3. a.
Sharks with snout extended into a long saw like projection ............
Sharks with short snout not saw-like
Pristiophoriformes (Saw Shark)
Squaliformes (Dogfish Shark)
4. a.
Sharks with 6 or 7 gill slits and one dorsal fin ................................
b. Sharks with two dorsal fins and five gill slits ..............................
Hexanchiformes (Seven gilled Shark)
go to 5
5. a.
Sharks with spines on dorsal fins ..................................
Sharks without spines on dorsal fin ...............................
Hete rodontiformes (Bullhead Shark)
go to 6
6. a.
Sharks with mouth completely in front of eyes ........................
Sharks with mouth not completely past eyes .........................
O. rectolobiformes (Carpet Shark)
go to 7
7. a.
Sharks with nictitating eye lids ..............................................
Sharks without nictitating eye lids ........................
Carcha rhiniformes.(Tiger Shark)
Lamniformes (Mackerel Sharks)

Which species of shark is Shark E?

Carpet Shark
Mackerel Shark
Saw Shark
Seven gilled Shark

Classify another shark
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Save Our Sharks March 6 to 13, 2005