nvite a speaker from local scientific and research organizations and run a school or community forum on Australias past, present or future role in ocean exploration. These forums could become part of a new MESA service called e-Oceans.
Programmable equipment available to schools, such as LEGO MindStorms, allows us to build our own robots and to solve some of the problems that ocean explorers face.Try building working models of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) used in ocean exploration.
Organize an event that celebrates the theme of Exploring Our Oceans.This could involve posters, dioramas or other displays at school, a local library or a shopping centre.
While the Marine Education Society of Australasia (MESA) is pleased to register and promote community and school activities that take place during Seaweek, unless activities are being carried out by active MESA members that have had activities approved in writing by the Seaweek Coordinator, then MESA will not and shall not accept liability for (1) personal injury to; (2) damage to property owner by; or (3) injury to animals owned by; any person participating in any performance or activity, including, but not limited to, participation in any events during Seaweek. |