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an introduction to aquaculture

Context: This unit was developed to enhance the idea that the future of food production in part will be sustained through aquaculture and that our local environment in South Australia provides a world wide valued commodity with tuna and other finfish.

Key Idea: Students develop a shared understanding of the characteristics and behaviour of living things and how they are interrelated and interdependent. They appreciate and report on the place of humans in the earth's ecology, and develop their understanding of, explore future possibilities for, and act to contribute to, sustainable environments (for food production).

Students are to examine ways organisms reproduce, grow and change over generations. They engage with, and appreciate different positions on, ethical issues such as those associated with ecological sustainability using technologies.

Has lesson plans for 15 lessons.

E.g Lessons 14-15

Students will recognise the role of dissection as increasing their understanding of Fish Biology.
Students will recognise the importance of learning the theory of the 'Structure & function of Fish Biology'.

·  Students will make observations of the theory of the 'Adaptations of a fish' by performing a dissection of a variety of fish and a crab.
·  Students should be able to locate and identify structures on the fish and crab
·  Work independently or in a team to complete their observations and a successful dissection.
·  Undertake first-hand investigation with safety and confidence.
·  Students will observe the detail of a fish scale under a microscope.

This site provides support for ALabama Education in aquatic sciences, Aquaculture, Recreational fisheries and Natural resource conservation. Again a comprehensive review of aquaculture with narrated slides and many pdfs. Light on environmenntal impact though.

From Public Broadcasting Service

Marine Fisheries & Aquaculture Series: Empty Oceans, Empty Nets ...

Each section has an overview, case study, viewpoints and Learn more sections..

Aquaculture, like any other industry, has its costs and benefits, as well as its proponents and opponents. Students will discuss some of the pros and cons related to aquaculture. As a class, the students will discuss the hypothetical case studies provided. In cooperative learning groups, students will engage in an aquaculture debate in the style of a town meeting.

Marine and Aquaculture technology

This inks well with the above resource.

Marine & Aquaculture Technology covers areas including marine environments, economic and sustainable aquaculture, water safety, appropriate technology, marine Biology including birds, mammals, fish and marine pests, boats and boating, aquariums and their use in cultivation, navigation and marine disasters. Practical components [obviously not included here] form a significant part of this study. This site accesses information on all the above areas. It includes portals and sites for specific resources, tutorials, activities, communication skills, safety programs and more.

Has many useful links and covers areas not touched on by any of the other sites e.g.Australian Aquaculture Code of Conduct , Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service , Ethics in Fisheries, , Assessing Environmental Regulatory Arrangements For Aquaculture



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