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  Seaweek 1995    

Theme: Celebrate the sea - Restore the Balance

Seaweek '95 coordinator: Brian Mackness

Understanding the theme

Everybody is touched by the sea in one way or another and we, in turn, all touch the sea. With a theme such as 'Restore the Balance' you are inspired to acknowledge the pre-eminent role of the sea in the well-being of our planet.

You don't have to be a marine biologist to get involved in celebrating the sea and recognising our role in its care. This theme gives educators and others the opportunity to look at the wonders of the sea and the way it touches our daily lives.

Even if you are in the middle of the Australian outback you cannot escape this marine connection.

Torres Strait Islander Dance Group

The food on your table, the products you use, the fertiliser you place on your gardens are all of ocean origin, as are the air we breathe, our weather patterns and the planet itself.

But humans also touch the sea in a negative way. The sea has been and continues to be, used paradoxically as a rubbish dump and at the same time as an unlimited provider of food and other resources. Declining fish stocks, coral bleaching and widespread pollution have all shown that the sea is hurting. It is time to restore the balance.

Our very survival and indeed that of all living things, depends on it!While you consider restoring the balance many issues will arise:

  • Values and importance of the sea in everyones daily lifeCurrent health of the marine ecosystemsNatural change and accelerated changes caused by humans
  • Threats to and management of, the marine environment


Exploring the theme - event ideas

Women and the ocean - The theme for the Australian Bureau of Statistics International Womens’ Day event


A lunch with art, dance, street theatre, songs and speakers to celebrate the sea and International Women's Day.


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Conference Centre, Belconnen, Canberra.


The ABS Social Club organised a range of entertainment. The ACT Seaweek Coordinator, a marine biologist, presented slides and spoke about the importance of oceans for our lives, women working in the field of marine biology and ocean issues.

ABS Environmental Section Staff

There was a performance by the Torres Strait Islander Dance Group and the ABS choir sang ocean songs. On display were a number of ocean inspired art works created with quilting, papier-mache, etchings, linocuts, ceramics, silk painting, photography and pencil.

The Seaweek educational materials were also on display and outside the main room, a mermaid performed street theatre.


The oceans have always been an inspiration for song, dance and art. Through a variety of mediums this event created interest and awareness about the oceans. A gathering of women provided a wonderful opportunity to focus understanding, acknowledge achievements and celebrate women and the oceans.

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Understanding the theme

Exploring the theme - event ideas

Extending the theme - classroom activities

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