August 20, 2002
Report from Mark Rodrigue
Marine Emblem for Victoria
This morning there was a launch of a program to select a marine icon species for Victoria. We already have a mammal (Leadbeater's Possum) and a bird (Helmeted Honeyeater) emblem.
This is an exciting opportunity to engage Victorians in learning about local marine life and to provide an opportunity to participate in the selection of an appropriate emblem for our rich and diverse marine environment.
I would encourage you all, especially MESA members and educators to participate.
Details will be available through a special insert in the Herald Sun. The Victorian Government supplement in the Herald Sun which will announce the emblem selection process and feature the candidates will be on Wednesday August 21.
Information and selection forms are also are available online on the Natural Resources and Environment website at

Shaw's Cowfish |

Giant Cuttlefish |

Western Blue Devilfish

Verco's Nudibranch |

Victorian Scalyfin

Weedy Seadragon |

Vermillion Seastar

Southern Pot-bellied Seahorse |

Southern Hermit Crab |