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Mandama PS

Oceans of Life Ours to care, ours to repair.

We impact on the ocean. We love it. We have to look after it. But sometimes we don’t do what we should. Our rubbish gets washed into the ocean. We don’t mean it. But sometimes we don’t think. We don’t think about what we use and where it goes. We should. But we don’t. We have a great time at the beach. But in our time to pack up things get left behind. Packets and packaging. Then the tide times in and takes it away. Into the ocean. To where the fish live. It gets tossed around the oceans. But then it harms the fish and other sea life. We have to think. We have to be more careful. We have to care. We have to. Now. Always. Forever.

Mandama Primary School Corang Ave, Grovedale 3216
Students of Grade 4S & 4J

Oceans of life, ours to explore and ours to restore!

In the first part of the banner it shows a scuba diver going into the ocean and holding a sea star .In the picture next to it, it shows what the ocean will look like in coming years because of people polluting the ocean with waste .In the big section under those two it shows a boy and a girl enjoying the ocean and telling people that we need to restore our oceans and that we need it to be clean, healthy and happy
All together our banner shows that if we keep on polluting the ocean we won’t be able to enjoy it and people in the future won’t be able to enjoy it because everything in it would be dead or on the way to death. So put your rubbish in a bin and you waste to yourself because we need our ocean to enjoy for hundreds more years.

Melbourne Girls’ College Students (year 9):
By Joanna Hunt, Sophie Perelaer, Alena Andronis, Emily Richardson, Philippa Crickmore, Megan Baird. .

Marine national parks and sanctuaries:
Ours to explore, ours to restore

This banner shows how marine national parks and sanctuaries help conserve marine life, protect them from being over fished or harmed and protect their home from damage from big ships coming into the bay. You are allowed to go to these parks but are not allowed to take anything from the beach or water. This is a good way to see marine animals in their natural environment, which hasn’t been touched or damaged by commercial industries.

National parks and sanctuaries do a great job protecting beautiful marine environments and life from being harmed.

Melbourne Girls College Students (year 9):
Georgina, Alice, Grace, Jasslyn, Michelle and Chloe


Oceans to explore ours to restore

Our banner focuses on a recreational user of the ocean. She recognises the responsibility we have to protect our environment. The ocean is an amazing place to explore, it is up to us to ensure that it does not reach a point where we need to restore it! Our diver is collecting rubbish as she explores. Animals that could be affected by the rubbish can be seen safely swimming in the background.

Melbourne Girls’ College Richmond
By year 9 students: Katie, Christina, Ola and Olivia

Oil Spills Kill Clifton

The banner concept was initially inspired by the recent oil spill in Queensland, by the stricken Hong Kong-flagged cargo ship Pacific Adventurer. The students expressed great concern about our local sea life off the coast of Australia being threatened. The concept then became unanimous when the Gulf of Mexico oil spill occurred. Oil has been spewing from the well since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank off the coast of Louisiana. Apparently this spill will be the largest in history and the level of devastation to our sea life will be catastrophic! The banner design highlights one creature’s life being threatened, by sums up the seriousness to all.

Clifton Springs Primary School Teacher: Corinne Bentley
Joel Wilson: Grade 6 Beth Sprigg: Grade 6 Saskia Sherry: Grade 6 Chelsea Hall: Grade 6 Alex Birse: Grade 5

Primary School Prize - Melbourne Aquarium Underwater Zoo education session

Leave Shells by the shore so we don’t have to restore!

Our banner shows a person exploring the life at a local rock pool. A human hand can be seen protruding into the water to collect seashells. Shells form an important part of the environment including providing shelter for organisms such as crabs and juvenile fish. Removing shells and other artefacts from the sea can leave long lasting impacts, so if we all comply with the simple message of “leaving nothing but footprints”, we will restore our environment in no time!

Melbourne Girls’ College
By year 9 students: Indigo, Didi, Georgia, Josie and Chloe

Secondary School Prize - Marine Discovery
Centre education session


"Our Oceans, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly”

Our Aquarium Banner focuses on the good, the bad and the ugly of our oceans. We are trying to demonstrate what the ocean should look like and what the ocean will look like if we don’t look after it. The ocean is home to fish, sharks, turtles, dolphins, stingrays, crabs and other marine life. We must treat their home with respect. Our oceans should be clean yet, we continue to pollute them. Pollution is bad for the oceans environment because it can cause harm or even death to the animals and plants that call it home. We need to dispose of waste appropriately as fish and turtles might think it is food and try and eat it, for example; rubbish bags might look like jelly fish; fish can become caught in discarded fishing nets or line; and dumped poisons kill. Our message is simple ‘don’t pollute water ways and oceans otherwise future generations of marine life as well as ourselves won’t be able to enjoy the oceans as we do today

Teachers: Gary White, Josephine Venner & Jaye Kennedy School: Mount Egerton Primary School
Students: Ethan Hounsel-Bachelor (Prep), Zac Harrison, Paige Jovanovic, Annabel Mather, Macy Mather, Taniesha Hodgson (Year1), Nathan Brugger, Maison Doll, Linda Harrison, Tahlia Howard, Jade Jovanovic (Tear4), April Jovanovic, Aimee Scott (Year 5), Bronte Boland, Bonita Brugger, Shane Hicks, Lilliya Howard & Jack Lineham (Year6).

People’s Choice (Prize –Dolphin Research Centre enrolment in the ‘i sea, i care’ Ambassador project
plus registration to the 2010 Kids teaching Kids
Coastal Health Conference)


Inspiration of the Banner: “We visited Port Phillip Bay as part of our field work this semester. Part of the fieldwork observations looks at the positive and negative effects of human action. Discussions in class noted the need for „global‟ vs „local‟ awareness of the fragility of the sea and the need for positive action by citizens, governments and international agencies. Awareness through education and marine parks is essential to this positive action”

Teacher: Andrew Rice
Students: Archer, Nicholas (S9, CO) Balzary, Thomas (Tom) (S10, HI) Baumgartner, James (S9, ME) Beasley, Hugh (S9, SU) Bonin, Michael (S9, SU) Chen, Feng Lin (S10, AR) Cheshire, Charlie (S10, AR) Donaldson, Thomas (Tom) (S10, SU) Edwards, Alex (S9, HE) Gale, Daniel (S9, RO) Johnson, David (S10, HI), Kerkvliet, Tom (Thomas) (S9, HI) Lane, Jake (S9, KE) Linley, Andrew (S9, RO) Macalister, Samuel (Sam) (S9, AR) McArdle, Thomas (Tom) (S9, HE) Polidoros, Alexander (Alex) (S9, HE) Settle, Edward (S10, HE) Simondson, James (S9, ME) Smith, Ben (S9, HI) Thornton, Jack (S9, HE)

Clifton Springs Primary School enjoying their prize

Dear Andrew,
We had the most wonderful trip to the aquarium yesterday thanks to your generous prize. Here is a photo of everyone. We travelled on the train. VLine provided free train travel for the day, so it was completely complimentary for the the tudents....fantastic!

Thank you to MESA and yourself for everything. All students in the photo have approval for publication..(website too) if you felt you want to use it.

Warm Regards
Corinne Bentley

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