Participation in AMEA
Participation in AMEA is open to all sectors of marine education. It is an alliance of marine organisations, institutions and individuals that have marine environmental education as part of their legal objective. Members include education authorities, publishers, Marine Discovery Centres and Aquariums, education organisations, State and Federal Government departments, consultants and educational suppliers. |
AMEA Vision 2003
AMEA links organisations, industries and practitioners involved in marine environmental education, so as to present a coordinated and unified voice. Such a coordinated approach will assist all organisations in working more effectively towards the protection of the marine & coastal environment for future generations.
Goals of AMEA 2003
To be recognised as the peak body that provides broad representation and advocacy for the growth of marine environmental education in Australia.
To promote networking opportunities for marine environmental education organisations.
Desired outcomes for AMEA 2003
1 Increased understanding and support of governments and industry for the role and value of marine environmental education through:
Inclusion of a marine environmental education expert on the NEEC and other relevant government advisory boards.
Establishment of AMEA as the peak body in relation to marine environmental education issues.
2 Development of a National Marine Environmental Education Strategy, incorporating:
Inclusion of marine environmental education content as a core element in all state/territory syllabus documentation.
Preparation of a content list of current issues that pertain to marine environmental education.
Promotion of the inclusion of measurable outcomes in marine environmental education programs and projects.
Promotion of the utilisation of evaluation results in the development of further marine environmental education programs and projects.
Promotion of marine environmental education in industry programs and projects.
Development of community education strategies for marine conservation (including MPAs and state marine emblems, etc).
3 Growing the scope of marine environmental education in Australia through:
Establishment of a national network and strategy for enhancement of marine environmental educational institutions (including Marine Discovery Centres, aquaria and alike).
Increased funding for coastal and marine environmental education.
Alignment of marine environmental education opportunities to current government priorities.
Listing possible funding sources and programs.
Lobby for the inclusion of marine environmental education in industry training packages.
Engagement of key organisations with an interest in marine environmental education.
4 Promotion of the role of Australian marine educators nationally and internationally through: Promotion of the value of membership of marine environmental education organisations.
The challenge for environmental education today, is to not only ensure the community is well informed about environmental problems, but that the community also has the understanding, knowledge, and skills to recognise such problems and to contribute to their solutions. Environmental education can facilitate partnerships within and between local communities, governments, local businesses and local industries, as they actively work together to improve their local environments. Environmental education can foster and encourage creativity and ingenuity to facilitate the discovery of better environmental solutions or preventative measures.
In the past, most marine education projects have been initiated by very talented, experienced, motivated, and enthusiastic marine educators, who were volunteering their time and skills. This has resulted in some very good ad hoc projects.
To date there have been issues of duplication, undirected effort, an inability to identify critical gaps in supply and no sound reference point against which to measure or define effectiveness of marine education projects.
Additionally, general environmental surveys show that students are leaving school with an understanding of environmental problems, but with little understanding of how they, as individuals, can contribute to environmental solutions. The general community currently has an increased level of awareness of many environmental issues, and large sections wish to actively contribute to environmental solutions and want to see on-ground outcomes.
With this challenge in mind, the formation of AMEA has facilitated a common vision and a strategy for coordinating the conduct and outcomes of marine environmental education nationally. Marine educators, either individually or as groups, can develop projects that are consistent with AMEA's strategic plan and identified priorities, which will assist them securing a competitive position in an increasingly competitive marketplace for environmental education resources. By working together, marine educators will optimise their efforts in achieving protection of the marine environment for future generations.
Formation of AMEA Twelve key representatives from a broad cross section of marine educators came together to hold a workshop in February 2000. The purpose of the workshop was to initiate a more strategic, coordinated and structured approach to marine education nationally, and to establish and build on partnerships between various groups. The major outcome of the workshop was a clear recognition of a common purpose that could be more readily and effectively reached by working together. To this end the participants agreed to the formation of the Australian Marine Education Alliance (AMEA) and developed a strategic plan
Convenor: Angela Colliver, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Phone: (07) 4750 0850
Secretariat: Barbara Jensen