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Jane, Annie Maben and Simone doing teacher stuff – sharing teaching resources

Los Angeles CA – June 29th to July 1st

Like most Aussies who head over to the USA, Jane and I started out by flying into Los Angeles. That’s just over 16 hours from Melbourne but we arrived 10 minutes before we departed! It all has something to do with crossing the international date line but is still a weird feeling. Simone met us in Los Angeles, flying in from the other direction after a brief stop-over in London. She made it ok but her luggage went missing in London and only caught up with us a day later. Oh, the joys of international travel.

Both the Aquarium of the Pacific and Cabrillo breed their own brine shrimp.


Our first meeting was with Bruce Harlan, a teacher at St Matthew’s School in Pacific Palisades. Bruce had kindly invited us to a BBQ on the evening we flew in. We had a wonderful time discussing Bruce’s DEEP program, sharing marine teaching ideas and experiences and meeting his charming family.

Next morning we started out with a visit to the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, a relatively small Marine Discovery Centre style facility now run by an organization called Heal the Bay. Visit the Heal the Bay web site (URL below) to find out more about their work in the Los Angeles area.

The wet teaching lab at Cabrillo Aquarium
(a new one is almost finished)

Simone and Steve Vogel
watching grunion eggs hatch.

Later that day we drove down to Long Beach to visit the Aquarium of the Pacific and meet Annie Maben, a friend who teaches at Freemont High School. We stayed with Annie for the next two nights and again had a great time sharing marine teaching ideas and experiences. Even though we are at the start of our adventure, staying at the home of a good friend like Annie is such a welcome change from motel accommodation.

Following a relatively relaxed start to our third day in LA, we met Steve Vogel, Education Curator at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. Cabrillo is a well established ‘older style’ aquarium with a wide range of innovative marine education programs. Our visit and the time spent with Steve was really productive and we had the extra bonus of being there at the time of the famous grunion runs.

Related web sites
St Matthew’s School www.stmatthewsschool.com/deep/deep.html
Santa Monica Pier Aquarium www.healthebay.org/smpa/temp/about.asp
Heal the Bay www.healthebay.org/ and www.healthebay.org/key2sea/ Aquarium of the Pacific www.aquariumofpacific.org/index.html
Cabrillo Aquarium www.cabrilloaq.org/dmap.htm

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