MESA on the international scene
Harry Breidahl
MESA members have been involved in two significant international events in July 2010. The first was the very successful IPMEN conference in Fiji. IPMEN stands for the International Pacific Marine Educators Network and MESA members have played a significant role in the formation of this developing network. IPMEN 2010 in Fiji was especially productive because we now have quite a few concrete projects on the go and because some key non-government organisations, active in the Pacific, are now involved.
Australia was well represented at IPMEN 2010 and MESA and MTAQ members will be involved in ongoing IPMEN projects. The next two IPMEN conferences are scheduled for the fjords of southern Chile (December 2012) and Japan (2014, probably in Tokyo). For details go to or the international section of this web site (both will be updated by the end of August). Full IPMEN 2010, 2008 programs and the IPMEC 2007 program are also available for viewing at