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  Friends of MESA    

This area of the site contains resources produced by "Friends of MESA".

We are privileged to host such high quality sites as Keith Davey's "Life on Australian Seashores" and many more.

Living Safely with Crocs
Educational materials for Years 5 to 7

In 'croc country', where ever crocs and people interact, highly contentious issues of human safety and crocodile conservation arise.

These materials aim to present all sides of the debate, to assist students to understand and make informed decisions about crocodile issues.

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Look at crocs from both sides now ..

Visit the Cool Seas of Planet Ocean

The "Cool Seas of Planet Ocean" aims to promote a greater understanding of cool seas as a small step towards conserving the world's most poorly understood marine ecosystems.

Our beautiful and fragile cool seas are home to living things that most people have never seen. Start to discover some here!

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Explore in depth Australian Seashores and their life

This highly popular, comprehensive and high quality web site by Keith Davey explores, in depth, the coastal environments, animals and algae found on the rocky ocean and associated sand and mud shores in the five major biogeographical zones around Australia.

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A great resource for teachers

Web version online

The CAMS Project is a comprehensive Professional Development program for the development of skills and strategies for including marine education programs in school curricula.

The 15 modules and the supporting materials, including Black Line Masters and a Field Activities Guide, are designed to promote inclusion of coastal and marine content in school programs from K to 12 and incorporates currently available teaching materials and resources.

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Marine & Fisheries Education Kit
Download the kit

The Fisheries Group of BIRD (Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development, Northern Territory) have produced an educational package for primary students focusing on the marine environment. The kit was developed by MESA NT Rep Rebecca Solah.

The aim of this kit is to increase students understanding of marine habitats and the responsibility that everyone shares in ensuring that it remains in good health.

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MESA would like to encourage the development of quality web sites for Marine Education.

If you have a site you would like hosted or mirrored through MESA, please contact the web manager

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