"Dive deeper and explore further" - at the exciting MESA Conference! Rodney Fox, world authority, spoke about his close encounters with life in the deep!
Can we explore further? Can we help students and communities to discover and learn more about our underwater wonder world? |
Marine education is an outstanding vehicle for learning. Students are naturally excited and inquisitive about our marine world. Come and discover some innovative and stimulating teaching tools that South Australian projects are developing to show students, teachers and community groups how to dive deeper and really explore fascinating opportunities for the preservation of the marine environment.
The conference was held at the SARDI Aquatic Sciences Centre, West Beach, close to Adelaide's beautiful beaches, seaside restaurants and award winning accommodation.
The program was full of excitement! Breathtaking diving adventures, stimulating field trips, A great night was had at our "Beach Party" enjoying a South Australian seafood feast accompanied by a top covers band. |
9.55am Welcome
Tim Hoile, National President, Marine Education Society of Australasia
10.00am More than words can tell
Jody Plecas, National Treasurer, Marine Education Society of Australasia |

Tim Hoile (right), past MESA
President, chats at the
Conference dinner |
10.30am Reefwatch Community Education in Action
Dr Sue Murray-Jones, Chairperson Reefwatch
11.00am Morning Tea
11.30am Jewels of the Sea Project Download as Acrobat file (50 K pdf)
Tony Isaacson, Hallett Cove High School
Alex Gaut, SA State Delegate Marine Education Society of Australasia
11.45am Departure for Rapid Bay
12.30pm Lunch at Port Noarlunga
1.00pm Continue to Rapid Bay
1.45pm Rapid Bay Diving Experiences, (download options as a pdf file)
including snorkeling and powerdiving for non-divers
5.00pm Depart for Whale Centre, Victor Harbor
5.30pm MESA AGM
6.30pm Guided Penguin Walk, Granite Island
7.30pm Evening Meal at Penguin Centre
9.00pm Return to Adelaide
10.30pm Close of Conference |

Leaving for field trips |
Conference Manager: Tim Hoile
Aquatic Sciences Centre,
2 Hamra Avenue,
West Beach,
South Australia
Members: $100 incl GST
Non Members: $140 incl GST

Displays at the Conference |
9.15am Our Great Whites and Conservation Needs
Rodney Fox - Keynote Speaker
9.45am Living Systems in the Gulf
Mr Bob Baldock, Adjunct Principal Lecturer, University of SA
10.10am Inspirations for Environmental Education
Mr David Larritt, past Convenor of AAEE in South Australia |

Rodney Fox (left) with Bob Baldock,
Adjunct Principal Lecturer,
University of SA |
late addition: Two Million Square Kilometres of Planning
Ester Guerzonni, National Oceans Office View

Michelle and students |
11.00am Environmental Learning from Pt Vincent Primary School
Ms Michelle Hawthorne, Principal and students
11.30am Environmental Learning through Internet experiences
Mr Mark Rodrigue, past National President of MESA |
10.00am More than words can tell
Jody Plecas, National Treasurer, MESA
Download as Acrobat file (50 K pdf)
10.30am Reefwatch Community Education in Action
Dr Sue Murray-Jones, Chairperson Reefwatch |

Harry Breidahl and Bob Winters
enjoying the beach party. |
11.30am Jewels of the Sea Project
Tony Isaacson, Hallett Cove High School,
Alex Gaut, SA State Delegate MESA
Download as Acrobat file (50 K pdf)

On a field trip

Displays at the Conference |