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  Vic Marine Ed Resource Guide    
Here is a small selection of resources available to schools wishing to incorporate coastal and marine education into their curriculum.

Reference Books and Field Guides

A Field Guide To Crustaceans Of Australian Waters D. Jones & G. Morgan Reed 1994

A Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australasia M. Norman & A. Reid CSIRO Publishing 2000

Amazing facts about Australian Marine Life P. Slater Steve Parish Publishing. 1997

Australian Guide to Seashores S, Marris Gould League of Victoria Inc. 1998 #

Australian Marine Life:The Plants & Animals of Temperate Waters G.J. Edgar New Holland 2000

Australian Seafood Handbook: An Identification Guide to Domestic Species CSIRO Publishers 2000

Australian Seashores I. Bennett Harper Collins 1992

Australian Southern Shores. H. Breidahl Lothian Books 1997 #

Careers in Marine Science (5th Edition) Australian Marine Sciences Association 1993 #

Coastal and Marine Studies in Australia: A Workshop Manual for Teachers J. Fein and J. Ferreira (eds.) Griffith University, Brisbane 1997

Coastal Studies R. Moffatt Wet Paper 1991

Collins Eyewitness Guides – Seashore S. Parker HarperCollins 1992

– Shell A. Arthur HarperCollins 1991
– Ocean Dr. M. Macquitty HarperCollins 1995

Concise Encyclopedia – Nature D. Burnie, Covent Garden Books 1999

Craft and Craftsmen of Australian Fishing 1870 – 1970. An illustrated Oral History G. Kerr, Mains'l Books – 1985 P.O. Box 316 Portland 3305, Victoria, Australia

Creatures That Glow A. Ganeri, Hodder Children's Books Australia 1996

Discoveries Under The Sea Dr. F. Talbot Allen & Unwin 1995

Dangerous Australian Marine Animals T. Keyt, Dangerous Australian Plants and Animals Series: 1999

Environmental Field Guide to Australia's Seashores. F. Haddon. Simon and Schuster Australia. 1992

Environmental Investigations – Rivers, Coasts and Wetlands J. Pobjoy The Victorian Association of Environmental Education 1992 (LY)

Exploring the Oceans M. Rodrigue Gould League of Victoria 1998 (MY)

Field Activities for Coastal and Marine Environments J. Oliver (Ed.) Marine Education Society Of Australasia 1997

First Field Guide To Australian Marine Life C. Jones Steve Parish Publishing 1997

Gould League of Victoria Publications (various):

Caring for the Coast; Coasting; Coastal Survival; Coastal Wildlife; Crabs; Outdoor Environmental Games; Riding the Tide; Seabirds; Shellfish Survival; Whales.

All published by the Gould League of Victoria. Moorabbin.

Guide to Sea Fishes of Australia R. Kuiter, New Holland Publishers 1997 #

Inside Guides – Ocean M. Macquitty Dorling Kindersley 1997

Into Science – The Sea, C. Cougan, Learning Solutions, 1993 (EY)

Life In The Oceans N. Wu Mallard Press 1991

Life on the Rocky Shores of South-Eastern Australia: An Illustrated Field Guide. G. Quinn, G. Westcott, R. Synnot Victorian National Parks Association 1992 #

Mangroves in New South Wales and Victoria C. Harty 1997 Vista Publications Melbourne

Mastering Seashores B. Mackness Dellasta 1990

Rivers, Coasts and Wetlands J. Pobjoy. 1992 The Victorian Association for Environmental Education

Sea Creatures R. Thomas, Facts About Series: Macmillan Australia 1999 (MY)

Sea Fishes of Southern Australia B. Hutchins & R. Swainston Swainston Publishing 1992

Seahorses – an identification guide to the world's species and their conservation. Lourie, Vincent & Hall, Project Seahorse publication 1999.

Seaweeds of Australia B. Fuhrer Reed Books 1988

Secrets of the Seaside Suburbs – A Guide to the Wildlife of Port Phillip. M. Eidelson, Employ Publishing 1995

Sharks and Rays T. Tricast, K. Deakin, P. Last, J. McCosker, T. Walker, L. Taylor Readers Digest 1997 #

Shipwrecks M.Duggan, Australian Disasters Series: Macmillan, Australia, 1998

The Australian Seashore J. Bruce, Kangaroo Press 1995

The Dolphins of Port Phillip Bay Dolphin Research Project 1995

The Ecological Sustainability of Marine Fisheries R. Bathgate Victorian National Parks Association 1999

Under Southern Seas: The Ecology of Australia's Rocky Reefs N. Andrew (ed) CSIRO Publishing 2000

Victoria's Biodiversity Education Resource D. Marshall (Ed) Department of Natural Resources and Environment 1999

Book 1 CSF Levels 3 & 4
Book 2 CSF Levels 5 & 6

Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises M. Carwardine, E. Hoyt, R. Fordyce, P. Gill Readers Digest 1998 #

# Available via mail order from Marine Discovery Centre, Queenscliff, Victoria.

Ph: (03) 5258 3344 Fax: (03) 5258 1435

Black and white photocopied publications available from the above source:

  • Dangerous and Poisonous Marine Animals of Southern Australia
  • Marine Art Activities

Special Reports (LY)

Our Sea, Our Future: Major Findings of the State of the Marine Environment Report for Australia L.P. Zann Commonwealth of Australia 1995

Marine Debri Working Party Final Report: Marine Debri Status Review Maunsell Pty Ltd ANZECC 1996

Several reports have been published as a component of the Coastal and Marine Schools Project by the Portfolio Marine Group, Environment Australia 1997

These include:

Report Series 1 Coastal Studies Directory of Relevant Tertiary Courses

Report Series 3 Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Report Series 6 Coastal Monitoring and Introduced Marine Pests
Report Series 7 Coastal and Marine Resource Guide
The project is located at http://www.erin.gov.au

Picture Story & Fiction (EY & MY)

Big Blue Whale Davies, N., Walker Books 1997

Dear Greenpeace James, S., Walker Books 1991

The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor Cole, J., Ashton Scholastic 1993

Where the Forest Meets the Sea Baker, J., Walker Books, London 1987

Sally and the Limpet James, S., Walker Books 1991

Gentle Giant Octopus Wallace, K., Walker Books 1998

Magic Beach Lester A., 1990

The Best Beak in Boonaroo Bay Oliver, N., Lothian, Australia 1994

The Hidden Forest Baker, J., Walker Books 2000

The Sign of the Seahorse Base, G., Penguin Books 1992

The Whale's Song Sheldon, D., Hutchinson, Sydney 1992

The Fisherman and the Theefyspray Tanner, J., Penguin Books 1994

The Coral Trail Vyner, T. & S. Gollancz Childrens' Paperbacks 1995

Looking for Crabs Whatley, B., Angus & Robertson 1992

There's a Sea in My Bedroom Wild M., Nelson Publishers, 1984

Neptune's Nursery Toft, K. & Sheather, A., University of Queensland Press 1999

Big Books for Early Learners (EY)

Walker Books titles:

  • Where the Forest Meets the Sea J. Baker
  • The Big Blue Whale N. Davies
  • Think of an Eel K. Wallace

North-South Books New York

  • Rainbow Fish M. Pfister

Macmillan Education Australia titles:

  • What are Whales? Momentum series
  • Fish Wonder World Big Book series
  • Coral Reefs Connections series
  • Penguins Finding Out About series
What's in the guide?

Non Fiction Series for Early Learners (EY)

Science and Nature Scholastic Education 1999

Titles include: Sharks, Sharks, Sharks; Ocean; A Dolphin is not a Fish; This Bird Can't Fly; Counting Penguins!; Water; Coral Reef; Sea Creatures; What Comes in a Shell?; The Things Birds Eat.

Marine Life for Young Readers Dominie Press Inc. 1999

Titles include: Coral; Sea Turtles; Starfish & Urchins; Sharks & Rays; Fish; Seashells; Octopuses, Squid & Cuttlefish; Crabs, Shrimp & Lobsters.

Non Fiction Series for Middle Years (MY)

Animals of the Oceans J. Hodge, Lothian Books 1999

Titles include: Whales, Dolphins, Seals, Sealions, Walruses, Penguins.

Knowing Australia Series: M. Woolley & K. Pidgon, Macmillan Australia, 2000

Titles include:

Coastlines, Islands and Beaches
Ports, Towns and Cities

Water Worlds Series: C. Hook, B. Blaxland, P. Ampt & M. Bell, Macmillan, Australia 2000

Titles include:

Coral Reefs

The Earth Series: W.Blaxland, Macmillan, Australia 2000

Titles include:

Climate and Atmosphere
Oceans and Seas

Life Cycle Series: D. Noonan, Macmillan Australia 1999

Titles include:

The Emporer Penguin
The Green Turtle

Life in the Sea Series: L. Taylor & N.Wu, Macmillan Australia 1999

Titles include:

The Caribbean Sea
The Indian Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
The Red Sea

Australian Habitats Series: M. Roc & K. Hawke, Macmillan Australia 1998

Titles include:

Coastal Regions

Australia's Convicts Series: W. Macdonald, Macmillan, Australia, 1999

Life at Sea

What on Earth is a….? Series E. Ricciuti, Macmillan Australia 1999

Titles include:

What on Earth is a Nudibranch?
What on Earth is a Sea Squirt?


Contact the Gould League of Victoria for their latest catalogue. (03) 9532 0909

Favourites include: Beachcombing; Common Seabirds; Common Shells; Creatures of the Deep; Penguins; Rockpool Life; Seahorses and Seadragons; Sharks of Australia and Whales

The Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment NRE stocks a wide range of marine related posters. Phone for a catalogue (03) 9637 8325 or order via internet: www.nre.vic.gov.au/sales/infocntr/index.htm

The Australian Knowledge Resources supplies a quality seashore life poster set.

Contains 12 x A3 posters of marine animals and their environment in close-up. Matching puzzles and activity books are also available.

Ph: 1800 658 311 (Aust only) or (61) (03) 9560 4867 Fax: (03) 9561 9714 Or order via the internet: http://www.akr.com.au

Contact Tim Allen at the Marine & Coastal Community Network Ph: (03) 9650 4846 for information on Australia's Unique South marine posters and information brochures:

Series 1: Forests of the Sea Seagrass Meadows Sponge Gardens

Series 2: Open Sea Seamounts Soft Bottoms

Southern Biological Services stock a range of classification and dissection charts suitable for senior students. Ph: (03) 9877 4597

Sea life Models, Jig-saws & Puppets

Windmill Educational Supplies Pty Ltd Ph: 1 800 333 634

Modern Teaching Aids Ph: 1 800 251 497

The Educational Experience Pty Ltd Ph: 008 025 270

Australian Knowledge Resources Ph: 1800 658 311 Internet: http://www.akr.com.au


Beachcombing Kit (MY – LY)

Produced by the Marine Discovery Centre Queenscliff 2000. Aimed at Primary and Secondary to Year 10.

Primary kit includes age appropriate resources and guide – Matching games, What am I? Etc.

Secondary kit includes classification resources - Molluscs, Crustaceans etc. and an age appropriate resource guide.

Both kits include a selection of quality marine posters. Available from the Marine Discovery Centre in Queenscliff (03) 5258 3344

Borrow for 3 weeks Minimal cost + return postage

Drains to the Bay. A water pollution kit (MY)

Melbourne Water and Rotary 1992

Contains a 10 minute video, information booklet for teachers including suggested activities. Available from the Gould League (03) 9532 0909

Marine and Coastal - Endangered Ecosystem Information kit

Victorian National Parks Association Ph: (03) 9650 8296

Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study – Primary Education Kit (MY) Produced by Melbourne Water 1996 Available from the Gould League (03) 9532 0909

Primary teacher resource about Port Phillip Bay or a water catchment. Package includes a teachers' booklet with background information and Science, SOSE and Technology activities, a bay poster map and a video.

Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study – Secondary Education Kit (MY – LY) Produced by Melbourne Water 1996 Available from the Gould League (03) 9532 0909

Secondary teacher resource about Port Phillip Bay. Includes information on plant and animal life, physical and geological processes and the health of the Bay. A number of posters, information sheets and a video completes this package.

Secrets of the Sea Curriculum Resource Kit (EY) Science and Technology Education in Primary Schools (STEPS) multi-media resource. Package includes 2 x 30 minute video programs, a CD and a detailed curriculum booklet. An interactive website is developed around this package at http://www.sofweb.vic.gov.au/steps

Swan Bay Catchment Awareness Project. Schools Education Kit (MY) Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute – Queenscliff, Victoria 1997

The Water Cycle J. Dart & M. Galletly. Barwon Water 1993 Information booklet of activities and video for P-6 students. Developed for the Geelong area but could be adapted. Available from Barwon Water Ph: (03) 5226 2332

The Waterways of Ocean Grove Schools Education Kit (Up-dated 2000) (MY). Available for loan from Barwon Coast Committee of Management Ph: (03) 5254 1115

Marine Kit (EY –MY)

Teacher resource containing books, posters and stickers. Available for purchase from the Gould League.

Water Safety – Play it Safe by the Water – Primary School Education Kit. A Victorian Government Initiative. 1999

Waterwatch Education Kit (MY)

Produced by Waterwatch Victoria and Barwon Water 1997. Information and activities designed to highlight water quality issues in Victoria's waterways and wetlands.

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The following codes will help you to select appropriate materials.
  (EY) Early Years Prep –Year 4
(MY) Middle Years Year 5 – Year 8
(LY) Later Years Year 9 - 12
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