Module 4
Three Phases of Planning
Source: Adapted from Laws, K. (1989) Learning Geography through
Fieldwork in Fien, J., Gerber, R. and Wilson, P. (eds.) The Geography
Teacher's Guide to the Classroom, 2nd edition, Macmillan, Melbourne,
p.107. |
Teacher |
Students |
Phase 1:
Pre-Fieldwork |
- Determine purposes of fieldwork
- Revise essential pre-requisite knowledge and skills
- Fulfil all official requirements
- Inform students and parents of purposes, costs, arrangements
- Book site and transport
- Visit site and plan activities
- Brief guest speakers
- Complete risk analysis matrix
- Compile list of student names and emergency contact numbers
- Be aware of the purposes of fieldwork (possibly contribute
to their determination)
- Master pre-requisite knowledge and skills
- Develop data collection techniques
- Know personal and group responsibilities
- Be aware of arrangements, and necessary materials and equipment
Phase 2:
Fieldwork |
- General supervision
- Provide assistance when required
- Encourage students to be analytical by raising questions such
as Why? How?
- Make direct observations- identifying, describing, constructing,
- Collect and record data
- Use specific field techniques - sketching, mapping, transect
- Make initial analysis and interpretations
- Be aware of their own and other perceptions
Phase 3:
Post-Fieldwork |
- Provide additional information if essential at that time
- Evaluate the complete experience - including organisation
and learning outcomes
- Directing students to other resources to confirm their findings
- Organising information collected
- Test hypotheses
- Generalising on the basis of collected data
- Checking findings with others
- Discussing puzzling issues
- Researching unanswered questions
- Making presentations