Module 4
OHT 10
Nature of Coastcare
- Coastcare is a cooperative programme that provides
opportunities and resources for community, business and educational
groups to become actively involved in coastal management and decision-making.
- Coastcare is relevant for everyone who cares about
the well-being of our coasts - residents, holiday makers, surfers, anglers,
industries, service organisations, businesses, government agencies,
- Coastcare involves all three levels of government and
is funded from Commonwealth and State budgets.
Objectives of Coastcare
- To engender in local communities, including local industries,
a sense of stewardship for coastal and marine areas.
- To provide opportunities and resources for residents,
volunteers, businesses and interest groups to participate in coastal
- To support community identification of natural and
cultural bodies with responsibility for managing coastal areas.
- To facilitate interaction between the community and
bodies with responsibility for managing coastal areas.
Examples of Coastcare Projects
- Development of local beach/foreshore management plans.
- The protection or rehabilitation of dunes, estuaries,
wetlands and heritage sites.
- The construction of paths, boardwalks, interpretive
trails, or underwater diving trails.
- Monitoring things like beach conditions, tide levels,
erosion, coastal flora and fauna, visitor numbers and coastal resource
- Resource mapping