Module 3


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Two Approaches to Integrating Coastal
and Marine Studies Across the Curriculum

Source: Adapted from Monroe, M and Cappaert, D (1993) Integrating Environmental Education into the School Curriculum, National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, pp. 3-5. Reproduced with permission from Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Content Integration can meet the content objectives of a curriculum through coastal and marine activities, examples, units, or courses. The subject may be English or LOTE, where students could learn new vocabulary; or mathematics where students use algebra or arithmetic to solve marine and coastal data problems. The content connection, of course, may also be through a more explicit coastal or marine topic, where students learn about coral reefs, marine pollution or endangered marine species.

Process Integration meets the process objectives of the curriculum through the utilisation of coastal and marine activities, units, projects, or courses. It emphasises critical and creative thinking, problem solving, decision making, analysis, co-operative learning, leadership, communication skills and attitudes conducive to Ecologically Sustainable Development. Process objectives are relevant to all subject areas.