Module 15

Taking Action for the Coastal
and Marine Environment
Resource 1
Resource 1 “Coastal and Marine Environment in Jeopardy”
Make up cards with the following statements and point values for the
following categories OR make up your own. Suggested questions are given
in brackets.
Catchment Connections
- 10 Points - When it rains water runs from the cities and towns to
the sea using these drains .(What are stormwater drains?)
- 20 Points - These materials washed from the land to the sea are likely
to persist in the ocean for many years. (What are plastics?)
- 30 Points - This material is a major source of faecal contamination
of waterways. (What are dog droppings?)
- 40 points - These are the most common items found in beach washed
litter near Australian cities. (What are cigarette butts?)
- 50 points - Increased algal blooms in bays and estuaries are often
associated with these soluble materials that are washed from the land
(What are nutrients?)
Ocean Blues
- 10 points - The rapid rise of sea level in the last century is thought
to be caused by the increased concentration of this gas in the atmosphere.
(What is carbon dioxide?)
- 20 points - This, often untreated material, from towns and cities
flow from pipes and drains into the oceans around Australia (What is
- 30 points - Large factory ships operating in the southern ocean have
led to the marked decline in this fish species in the last twenty years.
(What are southern blue fin tuna? Or What are Antarctic Tooth fish)
- 40 points - This is the source of most of the oil in the ocean. (What
is land runoff containing oil off streets?)
- 50 points - These are the fish, birds, dolphins, seals, sharks, turtles
and other animals that are often caught when using large indiscriminate
nets for fishing (What is by-catch?)
Pollution Solutions
- 10 points - Extensive planting of trees by school students around
a creek reduce the amount of this material washed down to the coast.
(What is soil? litter? nutrients? runoff?)
- 20 points - These devices if used properly can prevent large amounts
of solid materials entering the sea (What are litter traps)
- 30 points -This International Law for navigation, trade and the protection
of the marine environment has been developed and ratified by the United
Nations (What is the Law of the Sea?)
- 40 points -Washing the car on the lawn helps to reduce the amounts
of this substance found in detergents entering waterways (What are phosphates?
- 50 points -These areas of the sea have been set aside for conservation,
research, education, and to maintain marine ecosystems (What are Marine
Parks? Reserves?)
Final Jeopardy Question
These are the three As for effective coastal and marine environmental
(What are Awareness, Attitudes, and Action?)
Resource 2
Strategies for teaching Coasts and Marine studies
List learning strategies currently used for teaching students to care
for marine and coastal environments in the left column of the table below.
For each learning strategy, place an X in the appropriate
column where it results in awareness, changing attitudes, or action.
The Three As of Coastal and Marine Studies
Awareness: Knowing about coastal and marine environments.
Attitudes: Recognising the importance of ecologically sustainable
development, the conservation value of coastal and marine environments,
and wanting to care for them.
Action: Practising the scientific skills to monitor and maintain
the quality of coastal and marine environments, the social skills to negotiate
issues of conflicting values, the practical skills to care for the coast
and the sea, and the participatory skills needed to work with others to
develop, implement and evaluate action plans to care for coastal and marine
Learning Strategies |
Awareness |
Attitudes |
Action |
eg. Field studies
Research investigation
Laboratory Studies
Inquiry Learning
Resource 3
Issues and Problem Cards
Resource 4
Problems and Solutions Page