Module 12

Teaching Module in the
- Sea Expressions
Curriculum Profile The arts - A statement on the arts for
Australian schools
2 |
Curriculum Profile |
3 |
Reading and References |
Practical Use of this Module with Children
Resource 5
Sequence for Performance |
Resource 6
Integrating Arts into Coastal
and Marine Education Themes |
Resource 1
National Curriculum Profile
The arts - A statement on the arts for Australian schools
Visual Arts (page 23/24)
People make art to interpret and respond to experience
in visible form. From earliest times, humans have made marks and shaped
objects. Using any material at hand, human beings have fashioned useful
and decorative objects and made images to represent experience. Works
of visual art provide enrichment and enjoyment through the interpretation
of their meanings and an appreciation of their forms.
Art fulfils many roles in our lives and while some art works have a specific
function or purpose, others are made simply for their aesthetic qualities.
Art can be two- or three-dimensional, it can be beautiful, it can be shocking,
it can express ideas and feelings or it can challenge us to rethink our
definition of art.
Although all visual arts experiences involve designing,
crafting and making, different traditions have lead to differing emphases.
Visual arts experiences may be seen to involve the three fields of "art",
"craft" and "design". Each of these describes processes,
suggest types of products, and defines people who are artists, craft artists
and designers."
Art, craft and design play complementary and interconnected
roles in school. In planning programs, however, schools may choose to
focus on experiences according to studio media such as ceramics, design,
drawing graphics, painting, printmaking, sculpture and textiles. Some
schools may separate art, craft and design to focus on specific methods
of working in these aspects of the visual arts. Whatever the forms, visual
arts students plan and make functional and non-functional products, develop
technical skills and conceptual ideas and work in both traditional and
innovative ways.
Music (page 21)
Music is essentially an aural art form which exists in
time. Our contact with it is mainly through hearing, but musical performance
can involve bodily movement and the senses of touch and sight. Music can
exist in its own right, without reference to anything else, and thus may
be considered as abstract in comparison with the sometimes literal nature
of pictures.
For a musical experience to be more than simply and exposure to sound
and silence, the listener must distinguish the musical characteristics
of the composition while relating and connecting the expressions of the
moment to what was heard earlier. This ability to think in sound provides
a basis for some deeper and more meaningful understanding of a musical
work and can also heighten the listener's appreciation of music.
Music is an art form that evolves continually. It reflects
the experiences of the composer, performer and listener, as well as the
social and cultural ethos in which it was created. Music has the capacity
to evoke strong Reponses and although individuals respond in diverse ways
to the same work, there are cultural and social similarities in the way
people value music. Whether we experience music through performing, composing
or listening, music excites and moves us in many different ways and for
many reasons.
Music can serve both aesthetic and functional purposes.
It engages our imagination and enables us to express our thoughts and
feelings in individual ways. Music is not merely an adornment to life;
it is a basic manifestation of being human, a profound contribution to
personal, social and cultural identity, and a means of expression and
communication in every culture. Music can also be used simply for relaxation
and entertainment. It can be part of other arts forms (art, dance, theatre,
film), give a sense of achievement through mastery of skills, and provide
a satisfying group identity through membership of a performing vocal or
instrumental ensemble.
Music in education should reflect the ways music is used
in society, with students learning by involvement in creating, experimenting,
recreating, discussing, researching, listening, analysing and appraising
music. Music is both intellectually and emotionally engaging, helping
develop the individual's full capacity and intellect and providing a balance
to other symbol systems in the curriculum.
School is a microcosm of society, and if music is to
offer something to all students, it is necessary to recognise music as
it is in society, with all its genres, styles and purposes.
Resource 2
National Curriculum Profile
The arts - A statement on the arts for Australian schools
Dance is expressive human movement which forms an integral part of human
life and culture. Dance exists in a large variety of forms and for different
purposes, ranging from social pastime to theatrical performance and religious
rite. Definitions of dance vary according to context and perspective.
Common to many definitions, however, are statements that emphasize dances
social values, its blending of body and mind, its expressive qualities,
its use as a form of non-verbal communication, its aesthetic nature in
forming movement into an expressive code and, most distinctively, its
use of the human body.
It is the use of the body in a myriad of ways and forms that distinguishes
dance from other art forms. And the qualities that distinguish dance from
movement are the ways in which movement is employed to communicate intent,
feeling, emotions, and ideas. Dance has operated as a symbol system making
sense of the thoughts, feelings and activities of people throughout history.
Drama is the enactment of real and imagined events through roles and
situations. Drama enables both individuals and groups to explore, shape
and symbolically represent ideas and feelings and their consequences.
Drama includes a wide range of experiences, such as dramatic play, improvisation,
theatrical performance and film and television drama, and embraces both
the processes and the presentations of drama.
All forms of drama share common elements used to shape and express meaning
through action. These include: human interaction, role and character,
focus and dramatic tension, movement and dramatic action, sound and voice,
language and text, space and time, mood, symbol and contract. Drama stimulates
and shapes aesthetic development and enjoyment through valuing both affective
and cognitive responses to the world.
Drama recognises and draws on many different contexts, including those
from past and present societies, cultures and constructions of histories.
It has the capacity to move and change both participants and audiences
and, through shared responses, to affirm and challenge values, societies,
cultures and identities.
Resource 3
Further Reading and References
Arts and the Environment, Gould League, written by Terry Keyt, Thais
Sansom, Bruce McLish, Sara Glenie
Australias Southern Shores, written by Harry Breidahl, Published
by Lothian Books 1997
Environmental Starters, Gould League PO Box 1117 Moorabbin, Vic. 3189,
ph (03) 9532 0909 fax (03) 9532 2860
Exploring the Oceans, written by Mark Rodrigue, Gould League & VAEE,
PO Box 1117 Moorabbin, Vic. 3189, ph (03) 9532 0909 fax (03) 9532 2860
Field Activities for Coastal and Marine Environments, Commonwealth Coastal
Action Program, Report Series 10, compiled contributions by MESA
National Curriculum Profiles
A statement on the arts for Australian schools
The arts a curriculum profile for Australian schools
Curriculum Corporation, St. Nicholas Pl., Rathdowne St., Carlton Vic.
Tel: (03) 9207 9600 Fax: (03) 9639 1616 Email:
Aliens from Inner Space, BBC, narrated by David Attenborough
Ocean Drifters, National Geographic
or their customer service line Email:
Coastal and Marine Resource Guide, A Component of the Coastal and Marine
Schools Project, Commonwealth Coastal Action Program, Report Series 7
Audio Tapes
Sound Effects and other sounds of nature tapes, at various music stores
Beach Combing, Gould League, PO Box 1117 Moorabbin, Vic. 3189, ph (03)
9532 0909 fax (03) 9532 2860
Rockpool Life, Gould League, PO Box 1117 Moorabbin, Vic. 3189, ph (03)
9532 0909 fax (03) 9532 2860
The Unique South, series of 3, Marine and Coastal Community Network (
Seagrass Meadows
Kelp Forests
Sponge Gardens
Plus education supplements on request
Resource 4
Practical Use of this Module with Children
The following performance sequence was taken from a trial of the module
that was done early in November 1998 at Timboon P-12 in Victoria. The
performance was the culmination of a single Ocean Arts Day
and included grades prep to Year 3.
Due to the constraint of distance the teacher and volunteer inservicing
was done via telephone, fax and post. Each leader was given a time structure
and general layout of what their part in the day would entail.
The activity room was set up in activity stations visual arts,
music, and dance which utilised the entire area. It was decided,
though, that the music would be better off in a nearby area. While one
grade was working in the activity room the other grades were working in
the classroom.
Because of the size of the group participating there was a need to have
two performances. The performance sequence was to be cued by an MC. With
extra time the children could be guided to compose the script for the
MC. However, with restrictions in time this narration was written and
delivered by a adult coordinator.
To avoid confusion the classes were instructed that the last activity
station they attended would dictate their part in the performance. The
exception occurred where the class in visual arts needed to either join
the music group or dance groups as directed.
Performance 1: Prep and Year 1
MC: Under the sea lots of things love to live in and near seagrass.
The seagrass helps to keep the sand in one place and not get washed away.
The seagrass blows one direction then the other as the waves and currents
go by.
CUE: Year PREP seagrass meadow group begin moving with the waves. The
tiny animals move into and hide in the grass.
MC: The seagrass moves in one direction then the other as the waves and
currents go by. On the land not too far from here there are sand dunes.
They are covered by lots of plants. If the plants weren't there the sand
would be blown and washed away. When too many people walk all over the
plants they get squashed and die. The wind begins to blow.
CUE: Year 1 music group begin sea and wind sounds.
MC: the wind gets louder. The waves begin to rise.
CUE: Year 1 wave group begin a Mexican wave with their plastic
MC: Uh oh. Because the plants on the dunes have been squashed by peoples
feet they have died. Now there is nothing to hold the sand and it begins
to blow away. Lets see what might happen if the sand blew out to
CUE: Year 1 wave group begin washing up through the seagrass and
tumble onto the beach (mats).
MC: Look at the waves moving over the seagrass. I sure hope that
the little animals living in the seagrass are tucked up safely. But wait.
What's happening now?
CUE: Year 1 last line of waves draws a blanked over the top of
the seagrass.
MC: The sand settles heavily over the seagrass. The seagrass is very uncomfortable.
But do you know that people can help the dunes and the seagrass by making
special places to walk. They can replant some of the plants that died.
Let's listen as some volunteers sing and work to revegetate the dunes.
CUE: Prep visual arts and music groups begin planting and singing.
MC: Hang on!!! Something else is happening now! Look at the little seagrasses.
CUE: Prep seagrasses begin to push the blanket away and wave their
MC: there are new little shoots pushing the heavy sand away. And have
a look at that along with the new shoots I can see tiny little
flowers dancing back and forth in the currents.
CUE: Prep seagrasses to sway and flick open their hands like little
MC: It looks like the seagrasses must be feeling much better now that
the sand dunes are safe again.
Resource 5
Sequence for Performance
Sequence for Performance
Group and Time |
Dance |
Drama |
Music |
Visual Arts |
Resource 6
Integrating Arts into Coastal and Marine Education Themes
Level Or Year _________ |
Activity Ideas |
Theme |
Dance |
Drama |
Music |
Visual Arts |
Exotic imports
and threatened
Commercial by- products
Fishing: overfish-
ing and bycatch
Foot traffic