Module 11
Workshop Outline
There are five activities in this workshop:
1. Introduction
This activity is an icebreaker to promote discussion and explore participants
concepts, knowledge, values and feelings about marine environments. It
is also an opportunity to outline the objectives and content of the workshop.
2. Inspiration, Issues and Concepts
Through the use of various media, participants will be tuned in to the
marine environment. There will be an opportunity to discuss issues which
may arise from marine studies. Concepts relevant to the early years learner
will be considered.
3. The Early Years Learner, Teaching Strategies and Curriculum Approaches
Participants will consider the characteristics of the early years learner
from their own experience and will extend on this to explore appropriate
teaching strategies in the context of marine education. An integrated
curriculum approach will be considered.
4. Learning Experiences across the Curriculum and Resources
A variety of resources will be explored and learning experiences developed
with links to the national curriculum profiles.
5. Conclusion
What are the take home messages in marine and coastal education? Where
do we go from here in our workplaces to implement marine education.